Welcome to the Old Malvernian Lodge No 4363

The Old Malvernian Lodge No 4363 is a Freemasons’ Lodge for Old Malvernians, Governors, Masters and Officers of Malvern College, present and past, whether already a Freemason or those interested in becoming one. It is part of the Public School Lodges’ Council; a forum for the private lodges of many of England’s great public schools.

Formed in 1921 the Lodge is fast approaching its Centenary.

We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in finding out more about Freemasonry. Also, those who are already Freemasons are warmly welcomed to join us; especially those from PSLC Lodges or Old Malvernians from other Lodges.

Members of the Lodge meet in London three times each year: in January, April and October. For our June meeting we return to Malvern College to celebrate our Freemasonry which gives us the opportunity to support College charities and initiatives.

The following may be useful if you are looking to find out more about Freemasonry:

Useful Booklet – “Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?”

If you are unsure where to start click here.

Under the constitution of UGLE the Old Malvernian Lodge is restricted to men. Lady Old Malvernians are welcome to contact the Secretary who will be able to connect them with the HFAF.

Family Tree

The Old Malvernian Lodge is one of three Lodges sponsored by the Grand Stewards’ Lodge.

The Grand Stewards’ Lodge is without number, and heads the list of Lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England.

Our sister lodges are the Cornhill Lodge No 1803 and the Metropolitan Grand Stewards Lodge No 9812.

Our daughter lodge is the Old Wellingburian Lodge no 5570, a lodge for old boys of Wellingborough School in Wellingborough, Northampton. It is a member of the Federation of Schools’ Lodges, a sister organisation of our own PSLC.

The Family Tree can be seen here and links to lodges in our family tree can be found on the links page.


The Old Malvernian Lodge was warranted in 1921 and consecrated on 26 January that year. There were thirty-five Founders.

The Lodge hosted its first Public Schools’ Lodges Council Festival in 1934 at Malvern College, the 18th such festival. We have gone on to host it on two further occasions in 1972 and 2005.

Meeting originally at the Imperial on Regent Street, and subsequently at several locations in the West End, we meet today at Mark Masons’ Hall on St James’ Street.

A short history of the Lodge’s first 75 years has been compiled by W Bro Havard and is available at the Library & Museum of Freemasonry in London.

Meeting Dates

Members of the Lodge meet in London three times each year:

2nd Tuesday in January

4th Tuesday in April

2nd Tuesday in October

For our June meeting we return to Malvern College to celebrate our Freemasonry which gives us the opportunity to support College charities and initiatives.

We welcome all visitors, whether are an Old Malvernian or not. If would like to visit us please contact the Secretary.


Malvern College

Malvernian Society

Useful Links:

The United Grand Lodge of England

The Library & Museum of Freemasonry

Metropolitan Grand Lodge


Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076

Freemasonry Today Magazine

Masonic Great War Project  

The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons

Lodges in the Grand Stewards’ Lodge Family Tree

Grand Stewards’ Lodge

Cornhill Lodge No 1803

Metropolitan Grand Stewards’ Lodge No 9813

Some of the Public School Lodges’ Council member websites (if you are a PSLC member and would like to discuss getting a website click here)

Old Aldenhamian 4884 

Ardingly College 4410

Old Bradfield 3549

Charterhouse Deo Dante Dedi 2885

Old Cheltonian 3223

Old Cliftonian 3340

Christ’s Hospital 2650

Old Alleynian 4165

Old Etonian 4500

Old Felstedian 3662

Old Greshamian 5769

Old Haileyburian & ISC 3912

Old Harrovian 4653

Cholmeley 1731 (Highgate School) 

Old Marlburian 3533

Old Oundelian 5682

Old Pauline 3969

Old Reptonian 3725

Old Rugbeian 3551

Old Salopian 4790

Sir Thomas White 1820 (Old Merchant Taylors)

Stowe Lodge 9002

Old Tauntonian 5735

Old Tonbridgian Lodge No 4145

Old Uppinghamian 4227

Old Wellingtonian Lodge 3404

Old Westminsters’ 2233 

Old Wykehamist 3548

Public School Lodges’ Council (PSLC)

2022 PSLC Festival

Affinity Lodge Organisations:

Federation of Schools Lodges (FSL)

Circuit of Service Lodges

Anglo Foreign Lodges Association (AFLA)

Association of Medical University & Legal Lodges (AMULL)

The Universities Scheme

The Kindred Lodges Association

Masonic Charities:

Masonic Charitable Foundation

The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution

We do not guarantee that Web sites accessed via links on this page are either Masonic in nature or have been approved or endorsed by the United Grand Lodge of England. We specifically do not warrant that any other Web sites accessible from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of, the United Grand Lodge of England.